Sunday, September 17, 2006

Parents fight plan for autistic son's education

Hanover school officials are moving to radically alter a 12-year-old
student's education plan, which the parents are alleging is in
violation of federal disability laws.

In interviews and a formal complaint to the state Department of
Education, Karl and Linda Peterson allege that Hanover school officials
are seeking to deny future payment for their son's current private

They also argue that the school system undertook the change without
meeting with them, a basic tenet of laws that set the ground rules for
individual education plans for special-education students.

"It's like we're fighting the same fight over and over again," said
Linda Peterson, whose son James has been the center of ongoing legal
disputes with the school system since May 2003.

The Petersons learned of Hanover's refusal to pay just days after
they won a decision in late August from U.S. District Judge Robert E.
Payne that pointedly criticized the school system's past
special-education efforts for James. Payne said the school system is
obligated to pay James' past educational costs and legal fees.

Now the family is caught in a new battle. The school system decided
that this year it will pay for James' private schooling, but not at the
Dominion School for Autism that Payne and the Petersons say surpasses
Hanover's efforts.

Instead, the school system wants to send James to the Faison School,
which also specializes in care for autistic children. The decision was
reached by a team of school officials who met Aug. 31 while the
Petersons were out-of-town.

After a tour of Faison school last week, Linda Peterson said she
believes it is an inappropriate place for her son. She and her husband
said they will keep James at Dominion, where he was last year. The
educational system there would be smaller and less disorienting for her
son, they said, and they've instructed the school to bill the county.

Under federal law, a school system must either provide adequate
schooling for children with disabilities within the public schools, or
pay for private schooling.

"I can't understand why Hanover is willing to pay more than twice
the costs to send James to Faison, when Dominion already has been shown
in months of litigation to be doing exactly what our son needs," Linda
Peterson said.

She said that Hanover officials and teachers have no current
familiarity with James' condition and have never sought records from
Dominion that would show his most current progress.

Faison generally handles more severely disabled children. Costs can
reach as much as $66,000 a year, although scholarships and tuition
assistance can reduce expenses for some families. Linda Peterson said
Dominion has children with milder problems. It has a smaller population
of students, and costs can be only half those of Faison.

Autism is a cognitive disorder with symptoms that range from
self-abuse to processing problems that impede speech, comprehension and
focusing. The frequency of its diagnosis has increased dramatically in
the past decade, and its causes are not known.

Philip Carter Strother, a Richmond lawyer who represents the
Petersons and won the decision from Payne, said the school system's
decision flouts the careful reasoning of Payne's decision and
needlessly adds to the school system's financial burden.

Dominion's charges exceed special-education costs for James in
Hanover schools by only $4,000 a year, Strother said, citing court
testimony. Strother last week filed legal fees of $250,000 in the
Petersons' federal court case.

In his 82-page opinion, Payne picked apart the school system's
evidence and witnesses, at one point calling some testimony unreliable,
and concluded that the Petersons were within their rights to move their
son out of the school system to a private school. Grades employed by
the school system to measure James' progress were "conclusory by nature
and are of little utility for that reason." Payne found.

The judge must still hear arguments on how much Hanover will pay for
James' private education at Dominion for the 2005-2006 school year and
on the amount of legal fees. The Petersons removed their son from
Hanover public schools in September 2005.

Payne's decision stemmed from the family's appeal of a hearing
officer's decision that Hanover efforts to teach James had been
adequate. Payne concluded that James had regressed at county public

Hanover school officials said they cannot comment about individual
students because of privacy concerns. They have not decided whether to
appeal Payne's ruling.

In a letter to the Petersons, however, the school system said it has
agreed to meet with the couple this month. School officials also said
they were obligated to develop an educational plan before the school
year began and that Payne's analysis did not deal with James' future
educational needs.

Hanover has almost 3,000 special-education students, of which 41 are
attending private schools. In 2005, Hanover spent $21.3 million for
special education and related services, of which $14.4 million was from
county funds.

The Petersons say they will keep James at Dominion by relying on a
provision of federal law known as a stay put provision, which basically
requires continuance of the status quo until disputes over services or
placement are resolved.

"The saddest part of all this is that all the Petersons wanted for
their son was what the federal law requires -- an appropriate education
in the least restrictive environment," Strother said.

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Embarq creates LU scholarship endowment

Some Lincoln University
students will be eligible for a new, $500 scholarship endowed Friday by
Embarq, the local-exchange telephone company spun off earlier this year
from Sprint.

The company has donated $10,000 to LU's Foundation to establish the Embarq/Lincoln University Scholarship Fund.

spokesman Greg Gaffke, who also is a Lincoln curator, told fellow board
members Thursday afternoon the Jefferson City area is Embarq's largest
local exchange in Missouri or Kansas

“Embarq prides itself
on supporting education,” Gaffke said. “We wanted to give
something back to the community.”

The fund will create a
permanent $500 scholarship, starting in January, for students majoring
in education, science and/or environment, business and/or economics,
marketing, mathematics or computer technology.

Recipients must be a graduating high school senior, a student already enrolled at LU or the spouse of a military person.

the recipient must live within an Embarq service area, such as Cole and
Moniteau counties and southern parts of Callaway County.

“We are pleased you have
chosen to endow a permanent scholarship,” LU President Carolyn
Mahoney told Gaffke. She noted the company “always (has) been a
staunch LU supporter.”

The telephone company also donated $1,000 to help replace books damaged in the Sept. 2 Dawson Hall fire.

Thursday, during the nearly hour-long Opening Convocation for Students,
Mahoney praised all who responded to the mid-day fire on the Saturday
of Labor Day Weekend, after the first week of school.

every area of responsibility, campus personnel were exemplary in the
way they worked together to deal with this crisis,” Mahoney said.
“Student government leaders, ROTC cadets, other students, faculty
and staff as well as Lincoln supporters from near and far were either
on hand or in close contact, offering their assistance within hours of
hearing the news.”

The LU president thanked the Jefferson
City community. She gave special thanks to emergency personnel, the
American Red Cross and the three restoration companies that worked to
revive the hall.

She apologized for the fire and thanked people for their cooperation in responding to it.

all of this, the people who stand out most in my mind are the young
women of Dawson Hall,” Mahoney said. “These are very
special and impressive young ladies (who) responded to this unfortunate
accident with remarkable grace, courage and resiliency.

behavior assures me that the future of Lincoln University - and,
indeed, the future of this great country of ours - is in good

Mahoney also applauded the “service of those
among us who are representing Lincoln University in numerous and varied
internships or undergraduate research programs” as well their
volunteer work “with the Habitat for Humanity ... in nursing
homes (and) the Samaritan Center. This important community service
helps us learn to be good civic servants.”

The LU president listed a number of other activities and athletic teams students should be proud of and become involved in.

On the Net:

Lincoln University at

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Win a Scholarship in America

FANCY being Reborn in the USA? That's the chance MailSport are offering with our sensational Soccer Scholarship contest.

It's the chance of a lifetime for two lucky winners - one boy and one
girl - to study for a degree AND play football, all-expenses paid
courtesy of College Soccer USA.

And you don't have to be a superstar either academically or athletically to take part - although it helps.

The competition is open to anyone aged from 16-22 but fitness, intelligence and football ability will be the deciding factors.

All you have to do is write in and tell us why YOU deserve to be a winner.

After that the numbers will be whittled down through a series of
personal assessments by experts in education, nutrition, sports science
and of course football. They will start next month at four venues
around Scotland and go through until January whenthe winners will be

College Soccer USA, the company behind the scheme, is the baby of Dundee's chief executive David Mackinnon.

His team have contacts at 3000 colleges and universities all over
America and for a management fee take care of all paperwork and red

Our lucky pair will get there for FREE though - as long
as they hit the right standards. Mackinnon said: "We already have a
good number of people interested and the places at our assessments are
filling up.

"But we still want to hear from anyone with something to offer football-wise and academically."

Anyone who doesn't want to pay the management fee can go it alone.

Find details online at

But to enter the competition write to College Soccer USA Competition, Sunday Mail, One Central Quay, Glasgow G3 8DA.

(c) 2006 Sunday Mail; Glasgow (UK). Provided by ProQuest Information and Learning. All rights Reserved.

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Thursday, September 14, 2006

PhD Studentship Computer Vision & Graphics Advanced Interfaces Group, School of Computer Science

PhD Studentship Computer Vision & Graphics Advanced Interfaces Group, School of Computer Science

* Deadline for applications: 20th September 2006.
* A PhD studentship is available for UK/EU students within the School of Computer Science at the University of Manchester. Possible areas of research include:

- Understanding human behaviour and interaction
- Human motion capture
- Character animation
- Talking heads
- Realistic facial animation from video
- Modelling people from video

Research will be conducted in the Advanced Interfaces group within the School of Computer Science, which is one of the top six research Computer Science schools in the UK.

Studentships are open to UK/EU residents and will pay fees together with a maintenance award of £12,500 per annum for 3 years commencing before January 2007. Additional scholarships may be available for exceptional overseas candidates.

Candidates should have or expect to obtain a first class degree or Masters distinction in a numerate discipline with good ability in mathematics and excellent programming skills. An interest in computer vision and graphics is essential and relevant experience an advantage.

To apply please send a CV with full details of qualifications and experience
together with contact details for three referees to Dr Aphrodite Galata either electronically to or by post to:

Dr Aphrodite Galata
School of Computer Science
The University of Manchester
Manchester M13 9PL, UK

StuNed Scholarship Programme

A chance to increase your contribution to the development of Indonesia

What is StuNed?
StuNed, Stu deren in Ned erland, is a scholarship programme that aims to contribute to the development of Indonesia through strengthening the human resources of Indonesian organisations. Each year some 150-200 full scholarships are offered for professionals to follow master programmes, short courses or tailor made training, all conducted in the English language. Graduates commit themselves to return to Indonesia immediately after graduation and to be actively involved in the development.

The StuNed programme is subject to the Dutch policy for development co-operation which aims to achieve the UN Millennium Development goals in 2015. For Indonesia the bilateral programmes focus on generating capacity in development relevant sectors and theme`s such as: education, water management, sanitation and the environment, community based development, institutional development, good governance & human rights, gender, HIV/AIDS, reproductive health and culture (strengthen cultural identity).

In line with the Indonesian Policy, as laid down in the Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSP), strengthening the decentralisation process is another objective. Therefore attention is given to candidates working at local government level and those working outside Java. StuNed also aims at a balanced gender representation (minimum 50% women).

Candidates` profiles
The StuNed programme aims at providing scholarships to government officials (central and regional), NGO officials, lecturers-educators and journalists. Employees of private companies working in development related sectors may also apply.

The ideal StuNed candidate is strongly committed to the development of Indonesia; possesses proven leadership qualities; is strongly committed to the eradication of corruption and other bad governance practices; and can justify how the scholarship contributes to the development of his/her organisation,

Main requirements to apply:

be an Indonesian national;

to be proven by : copy of KTP or Kartu Dinas Pegawai Negeri, paspor (valid until one year after the start of the programme). To be submitted at the time of application. Copy of paspor can be submitted after award of the scholarship;

have earned a S1 or Bachelor`s degree or its equivalent at a recognized university in Indonesia; be able to provide evidence of the academic achievements (minimum G.P.A. score 2.75):

to be proven by: original transcript, dated year of graduation, legalized by university ;

relevant work experience for at least two years;
to be proven by : official statement from the employer on seal stating that the applicant is allowed to study abroad and that her/his position will be reserved until the applicant has returned to Indonesia; this letter may be submitted after receiving the award of the scholarship, but before departure to the Netherlands; for government employees and lecturers a copy of the employment contract (SK) is required, NGO officials are requested to include the latest annual report of the NGO.

have an academic or professional background that is related to the subject of the course;

to be explained by applicant in motivation statement
be full time available for the entire period of the study programme or course and be able to participate in and complete all courses;

have a high level of English proficiency (TOEFL Computer based 213, or ITP 550, IELTS 6); Only International TOEFL or Recognized Institutional TOEFL (ITP) 550 scores are accepted. TOEFL/IELTS scores are only valid for two years. For postgraduate courses offered in the Dutch language a good command of the language is required;

to be proven by : original score form, no copies allowed. In exceptional cases a TOEFL score lower than 550 is allowed if the receiving university guarantees to bring the English proficiency of the student to the required level.
be in good health

to be confirmed by: a medical examination after award of the scholarship;
not have studied abroad in the past two years;

to be proven by: curriculum vitae, data in application form on seal, photocopy passport be admitted to one of the courses or programmes offered by Institutes of Higher Education in the Netherlands for the academic year 2006;

to be proven by: admission letter from the university in which the start and end date of the programme, the total tuition fee and the name of the course are mentioned clearly;

as of 1 September 2006, the application be not older than 40 years for male; for female 45 years;

to be proven by: copy of KTP or passport.

English proficiency requirements
All courses are conducted in the English language. Therefore a high level of English language proficiency is required and candidates are recommended to prepare themselves well in advance by taking English language courses and by participating in TOEFL or IELTS prediction tests. Information on English Proficiency Test dates and samples of required TOEFL or IELTS documents are available, please click here.

Eligible courses
StuNed offers scholarships to follow master courses, short courses or customized training programmes. One can choose from a wide range of courses. Other study programmes may also be chosen if the relevance to the development of Indonesia can convincingly be motivated by the applicant. For customized training programmes a special application procedure is applicable (see below).

Candidates are advised to choose study programmes very carefully. The choice of the most suitable programme is an important factor in the assessment of the application. Programmes must have a minimum duration of six weeks and a maximum duration of 24 months.

PhD programs are not eligible under the StuNed programme. For these programs see the information on the Netherlands Fellowship Programme (NFP), another scholarship programme from the Dutch Government.

Two ways to apply for StuNed, and `How to do it`
There are two ways to apply for a StuNed scholarship:

1. Individual application ( for master programmes and short courses)
Applicants should take the following steps:

applicants are strongly advised to contact the institution well in advance for further information about the details of the course and the admission procedure; the university or institute offering the course will have its own admission requirements.
register for admission to a study programme in the Netherlands.
download the StuNed application form from the NEC website; Applications must include:
Two copies of the application form and its supplements;
Legalized transcripts of degrees, diplomas and academic records, dated at year of graduation;
A `TOEFL computer based Test Examinee`s Score Record`, `Institutional Test Score Record (ITP score record)` or `International English Language Testing System Test Report Form (IELTS Report Form)`;
Curriculum vitae;
Motivation statement in which the applicant explains his choice of study and the relevance for the development of Indonesia (see application form).
A personal and original letter of recommendation on the institutions stationary;
A letter from the university or employer stating that the applicant is allowed to study abroad and that her/his position will be hold until after the applicant is back in Indonesia; this letter may be submitted after receiving the results of the selection, but before departure to The Netherlands;
A copy of the passport (valid until one year after the start of the programme) To be submitted at the time of application or within one week after receiving the award;
A certified translation of birth certificate;
2 recent photographs (4x6);

Admission letter or provisional admission letter by host institution in the Netherlands, in which start date and end date of the course are mentioned as well as the tuition fee.
submit the form, with all required attachments to NEC as soon as you can or before the deadline.
Incomplete applications will not be processed.
Application deadline
Master course Short course

15 April 2006 1 Maret 2006

with a start date between 1 July – 31 December 2006 1 Oktober 2006

with a start date between 1 January – 31 June 2007

Pre-Registration for candidates from Outside Java

Candidates from outside Java may benefit from pre-registration through which a provisional award can be obtained. A provisional award is valid for one year enabling candidates to achieve the required level of English proficiency. Download pre registration form here.

The deadline for pre-registration for courses starting in the academic year 2007-2008 is 1 Augustus 2006.

2. Group Application ( for master, short courses and customized training programmes)
Institutions, partnerships, consortia and functional networks (hereafter called institutions/networks) may submit a collective application for staff upgrading. Training needs can consist of existing master courses (including the Dutch part of a double degree programmes) and short courses or tailor made programmes. Tailor made programmes are defined as existing short courses of which the starting date, location and/or time frame is adjusted to the institutions requirements. Tailor made programmes can also consist of a selection of existing modules to comply with the specific needs of the requesting institution. The programme may take place entirely or partly in Indonesia.

Detailed information on customized training programme, please click here.

The selection process
All individual applications for master courses or short courses that fulfil the requirements are recorded, ranked and categorised according to various criteria like GPA score, TOEFL score, present occupation, domicile, assessment of the motivation, study category, gender and others.

The selection committee awards the scholarships based on all information supplied by the candidate, the importance of the sector for development of Indonesia and the role of the institution for development of Indonesia. A statement by the employer describing the effect that the study will have on the organisation is an important factor in this evaluation.

The result will be announced not later than June 2006

StuNed Scholarship Covers:
tuition fee;
monthly living allowance;
insurance package (travel, health, third party liability);
international travel expenses;
travel expenses in the Netherlands directly related to the study programme;
contribution to study related expenses, such as books and study materials and shipping charges (total allowance depends on the length of the study);
reimbursement of expenses for the residence permit.

download Rules & Regulations of The StuNed Scholarship Programme 2006

download StuNed Alumni

download StuNed application form - short course deadline 1 Oct 2006

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Finland: Genetics Stem Cell PhD Fellowships

Marie Curie ESR (PhD student) at University of Kuopio, Finland

Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher (PhD student) University of Kuopio

Three Early Stage Training Fellowships (PhD student positions) available now !

Special emphasis of studies in field of genetics, stem cell studies and imaging. (Supported by Marie-Curie Early Stage Training program) See - click "Applying" for details

Deadline for applications June 15, 2006, 3. pm. CET

Program focus: To increase understanding of neurodegenerative diseases BiND ESR programme focuses on training by research on:

Beasiswa Indonesia Scholarship sekolah S1 S2 S3 Post-doctoral dalam negeri dan luar negeri.
(1) identifying novel molecular pathways mediating neurodegeneration and repair

(2) developing novel in vitro and in vivo models of human neurodegenerative disease,

(3) identifying surrogate markers that predict the neurodegenerative process and its outcome, and

(4) searching for novel gene mutations linked to human neurodegenerative diseases and their function in the neurodegenerative process.

We aim at providing first-class training for our PhD fellows, serving as a source of experts for academic research, clinic, and industry, and emphasizing international connections and mobility.

Program includes 2-3 courses, seminar series, summer schools, international conferences annually, as well as weekly laboratory meetings and day-to-day personal supervising.

Language: English
Degrees offered: PhD
Program duration: 2006-2009
Tuition fee: No tuition fee.

Three Fellowships supported by Marie-Curie Early Stage Training Program with special emphasis of studies in field of genetics, stem cell studies and imaging.

Training Program for max 36 months.

Contact email: Director Hilkka Soininen, Professor,, Coordinator Pauliina Korhonen, PhD,
Www site:

Eligibility: Early stage researchers from EU, associated or third countries, butnot permanent residents of Finland. ESRs must have less than 4 years full time research experience since gaining the diploma giving them access to doctoral studies.

The applicants must have good skills in English. Women are encouraged to apply.

Application: Forms are available at www site:

Application includes
- motivation to apply to the programme
- research interests
- three projects in priority order in which the applicant is interested in
- plans for future carrier development
- curriculum vitae with list of publications
- certificate of basic degree, masters, MD, or corresponding
- certificate of English skills
- two reference letters

Address applications to: Professor Hilkka Soininen, Director, Department of Neurology, University of Kuopio, and send to:
Coordinator/EST, University of Kuopio, Department of Neuroscience
and Neurology, P.O.Box 1627, FI-70211 Kuopio, Finland
Beasiswa Indonesia Scholarship sekolah S1 S2 S3 Post-doctoral dalam negeri dan luar negeri. For worlwide scholarship click here
Scholarship, undergraduate (bachelor degree), postgraduate (master, magister degree), phd, fellowship, diploma (non degree), summer course, awards & contest, mba, management, computer science & technology

Australia: Endeavour Scholarships

The Endeavour Programme is an Australian Government initiative, bringing together under the one umbrella all of the Department of Education, Science and Training’s (DEST) international scholarships. Our objective is to establish the Endeavour Awards Programme as a prestigious scholarship programme which would showcase the excellence of Australia’s education, science and training sectors.

Under Australian Scholarships , over the next five years from 2007 to 2011, up to 10,000 scholarships will be offered as part of the Endeavour Programme. The Programme aims to bring high achieving students, researchers and professionals from the Asia-Pacific region and other regions to Australia to undertake short or long term study, research and professional development in a broad range of disciplines. It also encourages Australians to do the same abroad.

Beasiswa Indonesia Scholarship sekolah S1 S2 S3 Post-doctoral dalam negeri dan luar negeri.

Summary of the Endeavour Programme provides an overview of the individual awards. Main features of the Programme include providing

comprehensive awards including fully-funded and short-term scholarships, research and language teacher training fellowships, student exchanges, professional training awards and a science collaboration fund;
an international and enriching learning experience;
accredited global qualifications; and
global networking opportunities.

About the website
This website is developed to provide useful award information for potential award applicants, Australian and international education institutions, professional organisations and the communities. It contains detailed award application details and application submission procedures including online application submission.
The website is dynamic and keeps you up-to-date on new developments for the Endeavour Programme. You are welcome to visit us regularly.
Beasiswa Indonesia Scholarship sekolah S1 S2 S3 Post-doctoral dalam negeri dan luar negeri. For worlwide scholarship click here
Scholarship, undergraduate (bachelor degree), postgraduate (master, magister degree), phd, fellowship, diploma (non degree), summer course, awards & contest, mba, management, computer science & technology

UK: Centre for Business Management Scholarships at Queen Mary, University of London

Centre for Business Management Scholarships (MA International Management) Queen Mary`s Centre for Business Management is delighted to announce the availability of 5 scholarships worth up to £2,000 for international students studying on the MA International Management course. This course provides an intensive and stimulating learning experience focusing on international management, cross-national differences and global issues in international business.

In addition to the above, please note that the Centre of Business Management is offering a free four week English Language Pre-sessional prior to attending the course to all those currently holding an offer. It is strongly recommended that even those who have met the English requirement should attend this course.

Eligibility criteria for Business Management scholarship

In order to be eligible for these awards applicants must:
- be classified as an international student for fees purposes.
- apply for the MA International Management by 30 July on the year of entry.

Please note:
- Scholarship decisions will be awarded to applicants based on academic ability.
- There is no need to make a separate scholarship application. All eligible candidates will be considered on the basis of the information provided in their application form. You will be informed whether you have been awarded a scholarship when we make you an offer.
- Early application will increase the probability of you being awarded a scholarship.
- Candidates must not be in receipt of any other University scholarship or a full fees scholarship from any other source (eg The Chevening Scheme).
- The scholarship awards will be deducted from tuition fees payable to the University.
- Please note that in most cases the University only awards partial scholarships and competition for these awards is intense. Students must be able to finance the remainder of their tuition fees and living expenses.
- Scholarship awards are made subject to satisfactory performance on your chosen course.

For further information, please contact:
Dr Mike Geppert
Senior Lecturer
Room 3.14
Medical Sciences Building
Queen Mary, University of London
London E1 4NS, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)20 7882 7441
Fax: +44(0)20 8983 3615

Visit Website

Germany: MBA Scholarship Program at Fachhochschule Coburg

The Master of Business Administration program at Fachhochschule Coburg, University of applied sciences, has launched in the winter term of 2001/2002.

According to the regulations of the State of Bavaria there will be a tuition fee of 300 Euro for Summer Term 2007. For Winter Term 2007/2008 400 Euro and then 500 Euro for each semester. The internship semester will be tuition free. Therefore, a student starting Winter Term 2006/2007 and completing the study program within 2 years will have to pay a total tuition of 800 Euro for the entire program.

Financial Management is a 2 year (4 semester) postgraduate program with the degree of a Master of Business Administration (MBA). A job integrated part time program is also possible. In this case lectures are held on afternoon / evening and weekends with the combination of a 3-week-day-model and block model. The part time program spans over three years (6 semester).

Financial Management centers around the fundamental principles of Finance, Accounting and Budgetary Control.

The role of money and financial markets, financial analysis, the function of investment markets and decision-making techniques (including behavioral and information management tools) necessary for effective management of a company´s resources will be examined.

Financial Management is discussed in an international context, but a special focus will also be given to the enlarged European Union of the coming years, i.e. countries like Poland, Hungary and other eastern states.

The growing number of medium sized companies with an increasing international business and their corresponding problems is a further element of the program.
The language of instruction is English in the first year and German and English during the second year. German language courses are offered at various levels.

For more info, visit

UK: Faculty of Engineering International MSc(Eng) Scholarships University of Liverpool

A number of Faculty of Engineering International MSc(Eng) Scholarships are available for academically strong International students who wish to pursue full-time studies leading towards the award of an MSc(Eng) degree in engineering at the University of Liverpool. The amount offered by each scholarship is £1,000.

Only high calibre International applicants who meet the conditions specified below will be considered for a scholarship. Successful applicants for the scholarship will be notified in writing shortly after proof of their qualifications have been received.

Scholarship Terms and Conditions
- Scholarships are for international students who start their studies in September 2006 and pay the full overseas tuition fees (£10500 in 2005/06; slightly higher for 2006/07).
- A completed scholarship application form must arrive at the address indicated on the form no later than 30 July 2006.
- Candidates must achieve a good first class honours degree or an equivalent overseas qualification in a relevant subject area (engineering or scientific subjects) and the application must be supported by good references. The grades required for the award of a scholarship may vary depending on the MSc(Eng) programme.
- Candidates whose first degree is not from an English speaking country must also obtain one of the following (other equivalent qualifications may be considered):
(i) paper based TOEFL 570 plus Test of Written English 5.0
(ii) computer based TOEFL 230
(iii) IELTS 6.0
- Successful registered candidates will receive £400 around week four of the first semester, a further £400 after completion of the second semester examinations with minimum overall grade ‘B’ (i.e. ≥ 60% average) and £200 on obtaining a minimum grade ‘B’ in the MSc(Eng) dissertation.
- Scholarships awarded for September 2006 entry are not deferrable to the following year.
- The decisions made by the scholarship awarding body in each Department will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.

Download Announcement and Application Form

UK: LLM Scholarships in Mineral Law and Policy

Deadline End of May
Scholarship opportunities for LLM in Mineral Law and Policy

Six Rio Tinto Chevening Scholarships for the one-year full-time LL.M in Mineral Law and Policy at University of Dundee's Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law & Policy (CEPMLP) are now being offered for the academic year starting September 2006.

The scholarships are part funded by Rio Tinto plc, the Foreign Commonwealth Office and CEPMLP. Covering tuition fees and living expenses they also provide successful candidates with an enviable opportunity to study at CEPMLP, the internationally renowned centre for excellence in natural resources law, management and business transactions.

The LL.M in combines key aspects of law, policy, economics, finance and management involved in international mining investment and development from both an international and comparative standpoint. The programme provides students with the necessary skills to meet the challenges that exploration and mine development involves and its contribution to sustainable development.

The closing date for applications is 31 May 2006.

Click here for further information on this scholarship

Click here for information on the CEPMLP Mining Programme

Distance Learning Programme Manager
Research and Teaching Fellow
CEPMLP - University of Dundee
Tel: 44 (0) 1382 348382
Fax: 44 (0) 1382 322578

Thursday, May 11, 2006

OUA paving way for athletic scholarships

Schools agree to financial awards for first-year athletes in 2007

Ontario University Athletics institutions took a tentative step towards less restrictive policies on athletic scholarships yesterday, voting to allow financial awards for first-year student-athletes with academic averages of at least 80 per cent starting in September 2007.

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PO Box 567, Buies Creek, NC 27506
Tel: (910) 893-1224 w Fax: (910) 893-1922

After many discussions with the Student Government Association and the approval of the Board of Trustees, Dr. Donna Waldron, assistant professor of English for Campbell University, has been named director of the Study Abroad program. As director, Waldron enables students to take classes around the world.
“It is an individually focused program allowing students to go where they have dreamed of going and to do what they have dreamed of doing,” said Waldron.
Through the program, “Australearn,” junior social science/education major Allison Ackerman is traveling to Brisbane, Australia, in the fall to study religion, history and social sciences.
“Dr. Waldron was my professor last semester and when I went to her office to hand in a paper, I saw the information about study abroad,” said Ackerman. “While in Australia I will be taking courses in my major, as well as elective courses that will broaden my educational background.”
Waldron has seen a steady trickle of students interested in the programs come to her office and recommends making an appointment to discus the different options. She advises students who are juniors or seniors to plan now and apply for financial aid.
“The prices of the programs are comparable to a semester at Campbell,” said Waldron. “The housing varies and depends on each program. Students should not assume they cannot afford it.”
Arcadia University serves as a third party provider with internships mostly in Europe and Australia. A student can earn anywhere from three to 18 credits in a variety of fields ranging from anthropology to Women’s Studies. Waldron said the best way to land an internship out of the country is to apply and send resumes early.
Waldron is currently planning a summer trip to Costa Rica for those students needing Spanish and biology credit. Assistant Professor Dr. John Bartlett and associate professor Dr. Debora Weaver of Biological Sciences are also making the journey. There religion, Latin American history and environmental science classes will be taught.
Georgia Martin from the Theater Arts Department in association with Waldron is planning a British literature and theater class in London in the summer of 2007.Dr. Waldron’s main goal is to provide a trip for the students that will meet their individual needs.
“I want to counsel and coach their dreams,” said Waldron. “My goal is to offer something to everyone in each department of the College of Arts and Sciences for those students in good academic standing.”

Arizona student awarded Ashado Scholarship

Kristen Geary of Benson, Arizona, was presented with the Ashado Scholarship by the champion's former owners Jack and Laurie Wolf of Starlight Stables and Paul Saylor during the Kentucky Oaks (G1) day card on May 5 at Churchill Downs.

Geary will attend Arizona State University in the fall and will purse a degree in animal sciences, with the goal of a doctorate in equine reproduction.

The Ashado Scholarship is a four-year scholarship for a female college student studying an equine-related subject. The student must be the child of a working member of the equine industry.

"There were so many great candidates to choose from for the Ashado Scholarship, it was a very hard decision," said Saylor, who with Johns Martin established the scholarship. "After spending time with Kristen, we find she has exceeded expectations on all counts, and we are all excited about our choice for this year's candidate."

The Race for Education, in its fourth year of operation, is a nonprofit national scholarship foundation established to provide advanced educational opportunities in the equine industry for qualified applicants.

Ashado won the 2004 Kentucky Oaks en route to the Eclipse Award as champion three-year-old filly. The Saint Ballado filly was also champion older female of 2005. The winner of 12 of 21 career starts and an earner of $3,931,440, she is currently in foal to Storm Cat.

Monday, May 08, 2006

MBA Scholarship Program : Sampoerna Foundation Overseas

Application deadlines are March 31, 2006 for Round 1 and June 30, 2006 for Round 2

The Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarship Program is a mean to groom Indonesia ’s future business leaders. Sampoerna Foundation provides qualified individuals the opportunity to pursue a Master of Business Administration degree at leading business schools overseas. Upon the completion of the program, scholars are expected to return to Indonesia and endeavor to transfer their knowledge to their fellow citizens.

Application deadlines are March 31, 2006 for Round 1 and June 30, 2006 for Round 2. Applications should be submitted as early as possible. Applicant may apply for more than one of Sampoerna Foundation scholarship programs concurrently.

Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarships consist of the following programs:

1. Sampoerna Foundation (SF) MBA in the US - Max Scholarship Granted: 7
2. Fulbright – SF MBA in the US Scholarship* - Max Scholarship Number: 3
3. Australian Education International (AEI) – SF MBA in Australia. Max Scholarship Number: 4
4. Ambassade de Franceen Indonésie – SF MBA in France. Max Scholarship Number: 2
5. British Council (BC) – SF MBA in the UK. Max Scholarship Number: 2

*Please contact AMINEF about this particular program and how to apply.

American Indonesian Exchange Foundation
Balai Pustaka Building, 6th Floor
Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya No. 4
Jakarta 10720
Phone: 021-345-2016, 345-2018, 345-0709
Fax: 021-345-2050


The information contained in this document is intended for the Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarship Program, pertinent to the 2007 intake only.

I. Basic Eligibility

Applicant must satisfy ALL of the following conditions:

* Indonesian citizen.
* Hold a Bachelor degree in any discipline from an Indonesian tertiary institution with a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.25(on a 4.00 scale)
* Under 35 years of age when lodging the application.
* Have a minimum of two-year full-time professional work experience after the completion of their undergraduate degree when lodging the application.
* Have valid proof (validity of two years) of:

International TOEFL with a minimum score of 600 (paper based) or 250 (computer based), OR
International English Language Testing System (IELTS) of minimum 6.5 (for MBA Australia only), OR
Institutional TOEFL with a minimum score of 610.*

* Have valid proof (validity of five years):
GMAT test scores above 600 with verbal score to be 25 or above, OR
TPA with a minimum score of 650.*

* Not currently enrolled in graduate or post-graduate program or school, or has already obtained a Master’s degree or equivalent.

* Not enrolled or graduated from an overseas tertiary institution, unless was on a full scholarship.

* Not in receipt of other equivalent award or scholarship offering similar or other benefits at the time of the award.

* Demonstrate they are from financially disadvantaged family and that without the scholarship he/she will not be able to study for an overseas MBA program.

* All applicants selected as Finalists must have a valid GMAT and International TOEFL/IELTS with the aforementioned minimum score as required by each program. Finalists who fail to do so will automatically be removed from the selection process.

** All applicants selected as Finalists for MBA France shall have to take language course in the appointed institution by SCAC and pass the DELF (Diplome d`Etudes en Langue Francaise) Level 1 (A1, A2, A3, A4)

Any applicant proves to have forged information in his/her application form or any of the documents attached therein will be immediately disqualified.

II. Further Requirements

Applicant also must:

1. Demonstrate leadership potential.
2. Demonstrate interest in and commitment to community and national development.
3. Attend ALL stages of selection process conducted by Sampoerna Foundation and the examinations conducted by the recommended university(ies).
4. Meet the requirements for obtaining a proper student visa of the designated country upon acceptance for the scholarship.
5. Comply with the application for scholarship rules and regulations as stipulated by Sampoerna Foundation, partner institution for each respective program, and the university.

III. Nature of award

1. The scholarship’s worth is approximately between USD 70,000.- to USD 150,000.- per student, depending on the country and university, for the duration of study. This covers the following:
* GMAT and TOEFL/IELTS reimbursement, one time only, based on original invoice, for GMAT and TOEFL/IELTS taken no more than 6 months prior to the scholarship application;
* University application fee, for up to 2 (two) universities;
* Student visa application fee;
* Return airfares from Jakarta to the place of study;
* Tuition fees, for the duration of study;
* Living allowance, to support living costs during period of study;
* Literature allowance, to purchase textbooks required for study.

2. The scholarship is intended for full-time / regular class study only.

3. Scholarship recipient is not permitted to undertake any form of employment at any time during the course of study, unless such employment is allowed under the student visa obtained.

IV. Duration of Award

1. The scholarship is provided for a maximum of 2 (two) years, or otherwise as stated by the university as a standard duration for the completion of the relevant study program. No extension will be granted.

2. If the scholarship recipient fails to complete his/her study within the allocated timeframe, he/she is still entitled to continue the study. However, Sampoerna Foundation is not obliged to provide any further financial or other support.

3. The scholarship recipient is obliged to complete his/her study within 2 (two) years. Failure to complete the study within this timeframe will result in a penalty imposed whereby the scholarship recipient must return 50% of the total amount of scholarship fund already disbursed.

4. Continuation of scholarship is subject to the scholarship recipient’s satisfactory academic and non-academic progress.

V. Break from Study

Scholarship recipient is not entitled to take any break from study other than term or semester breaks scheduled by the university without prior written approval from the university and Sampoerna Foundation.

VI. Employment

There is no obligation for the scholarship recipient or Sampoerna Foundation to engage in any form of future employment. Sampoerna Foundation does not oblige scholarship recipients to work for Sampoerna Foundation and its affiliates or supporting organizations.

VII. Penalties

1. Sampoerna Foundation will impose penalties for non-compliance with scholarship terms and conditions, including but not exclusive to academic and non academic performance and participation in mandatory activities. Penalties may be in the form of reduction of funding, suspension of funding, or termination of scholarship funding.

2. Should the scholarship recipient decide to withdraw from the scholarship scheme, any funds already disbursed by Sampoerna Foundation as part of scholarship coverage must be fully repaid by the scholarship recipient.

VIII. Termination

1. The scholarship will cease when a recipient is no longer enrolled as a student:
* When the university issues an academic record (transcript) indicating the completion of study.
* When the recipient is forced to withdraw or cannot continue his/her studies due to illness or any other reason.

2. The scholarship will be immediately terminated if:
* The scholarship recipient fails to fulfill his/her obligations, or fails to meet the required academic performance level; or,
* The scholarship recipient proves to have forged information in his/her application form or any of the documents attached therein; or,
* The scholarship recipient is dismissed from the study program or expelled from the university for any reason; or,
* The scholarship recipient is involved in any illegal activities e.g. drug abuse and trafficking or any other form of criminal activities.

3. The scholarship will be terminated if the scholarship recipient does not pass the academic and non academic evaluation conducted by Sampoerna Foundation every 6 (six) months and fails to improve his/her performance within the given probation period.

Source: Sampoerna Foundation

International Master's Scholarship at Universität Bern Switzerland

Deadline: 15 May 2006

The Universität Bern has decided to grant international students Master excellency scholarships for the academic year 2006/07.

A financial support of 1600 CHF/month for the entire duration of the Master program is offered.

Criteria for selection:

Students must have graduated from a university with at least a Bachelor Degree.
The candidates file should include the following:

* Application form (see downloads)
* Curriculum vitae/résumé
* Letter of motivation & objectives
* Letter of recommendation and confirmation from a professor at the Universität Bern
* Form ‚Admission to Master's course' of the faculty (see downloads)
* Record of sufficient proficiency in German or granted dispensation by the faculty (photocopies)
* Record of grades obtained during Bachelor studies (photocopies)
* Record of school-leaving examination, i.e. qualifying for university entrance (e.g. photocopies of secondary school certificates)

The application file has to be written in the language of the corresponding Master course.

Closing date:

Cadidate files are due before May 15, 2006 at the following address:

Universität Bern, Internationale Beziehungen, Hochschulstrasse 4, CH-3012 Bern

for each file, 2 paper copies have to be submitted

Incomplete application files will not be considered.

The proposals will be examined by a selection committee. The criteria for selection are based both on academic excellence ant potential of the candidate.

Contact for further information

Source: click here

Italy: Master in Insurance and Risk Management Scholarships

Scholarships for non Italian citizens and Italians resident abroad

MIB School of Management of Trieste is pleased to announce a competition for 4 scholarships for the VIII edition of the Master in Insurance & Risk Management (January 2007 – December 2007). These scholarships will be awarded to young graduates who are not Italian citizens or are Italians resident abroad.

Tuition fees are 15.000,00 EUR + 20% VAT.

2 scholarships of the value of 10.000,00 EUR (ten thousand EUR)
2 scholarships of the value of 5.000,00 EUR (five thousand EUR)

Scholarships will cover part of the tuition fees.

The candidates should meet the following requirements:

academic degree (or equivalent qualification) in economics or in a technical subject;
good working knowledge of English (a TOEFL certificate is recommended);

MIB School of Management will grant the scholarships to the 4 best candidates on the basis of educational qualifications, professional skills and motivation shown during the entrance interview.

Applications for scholarships must be sent by October, 30 2006 to the following address:

Ms. Elisabetta Pallini
MIRM Admission Office
MIB School of Management
Largo Caduti di Nasiriya 1
34142 Trieste - Italia

Application for a scholarship is complete only after filling in the on line application form for the VIII edition of the Master in Insurance & Risk Management (

The final pass-list will be published by November, 30 2006.


School of Business and Economics University of Exeter: Scholarships and Bursaries

The School offers several scholarships and bursaries each year, to assist applicants with tuition fees and encourage applicants with high potential to study with us.

For taught programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, we have two ways of providing financial assistance with fees; by scholarships and by bursaries.

Scholarships are awarded for merit alone, and are always for a fixed amount, which is usually a substantial proportion of the tuition fee. If eligible, you can apply for one by means of an application form, to be submitted at the same time or after submitting a full application for one of our programmes.
If a programme has a scholarship attached to it, the application form will be available from the web page for that programme. There is always a deadline to submit scholarship applications, and applicants are informed of the outcome of their application by a specific date. If you are offered a scholarship, you will be informed by email and letter, and you will be asked to pay a deposit of £300 to secure the award.

Bursaries are awarded for a variety of reasons that include merit and the specific circumstances of the applicant. They are for a variable amount up to a stated maximum, and applicants do not need to apply separately for them. If bursaries are available for a programme, all applications are automatically considered. If you are awarded a bursary, you will be notified shortly after we have processed your application by letter and by email.

Research degrees may also attract scholarships and bursaries, but we also offer substantial assistance with both fees and maintenance for teaching assistance.

Request more information about available postgraduate studies from University of Exeter - School of Business and Economics


United Kingdom: Maurice Keyworth International Scholarships

Four full fee bursaries are available for academically outstanding/particularly deserving candidates from the United Kingdom and the European Union applying to study on the following programmes.

Maurice Keyworth International Scholarships
There are ten part scholarships of £3,000 each available for students from any country outside the European Union. The scholarships will be awarded for academically outstanding / particularly deserving full-time candidates for the following programmes:

MA Accounting and Finance
MA Advertising and Marketing
MSc Banking and Finance
MSc Credit Management
MA Economics
MA Economics & Development
MA Economics & Finance
MSc Financial Mathematics
MA Human Resource Management
MSc International Business
MSc International Finance
MSc International Marketing Management
MSc Management

For details on how to apply, please click here.

Two full fee scholarships for Vietnamese students

In addition to the Maurice Keyworth Scholarships there are two full fee scholarships available for academically outstanding / particularly deserving candidates from Vietnam for the following programmes:

MA Accounting and Finance
MA Economics
MA Economics and Finance
MA Human Resource Management

The deadline for the submission of applications for scholarships for Vietnamese students is 30 April 2006.

How to Apply

In order to be considered for a scholarship, candidates will need to complete and return the appropriate application form by the deadline stated on the application form. Application forms can be downloaded by clicking on the relevant link below:

Maurice Keyworth UK/EU Scholarship
Maurice Keyworth International Scholarship

Candidates wishing to apply for one of the full fee scholarships for Vietnamese students will automatically be considered for a scholarship when applying for an eligible programme of study.

Before a scholarship application can be considered, candidates are also required to return the appropriate application form to the Business School in order to apply for an academic place at the University of Leeds.

Applications for scholarships should be completed and posted to the following address:

Maurice Keyworth Scholarships
c/o Postgraduate Admissions Office
Leeds University Business School
Maurice Keyworth Building
The University of Leeds


Australian Partnership Scholarship

APS 2006 applications open: May 8
APS 2006 applications close: July 7

The Australian Partnership Scholarships (APS) is an initiative from the Australia Indonesia Partnership for Reconstruction and Development (AIPRD) and is funded by the Australian Government for postgraduate study for Indonesian students in Australian universities.

APS is a different scholarship program to the Australian Development Scholarship program (

The objective of the scholarship program is to increase the human resource capacity of Indonesia in the areas of Economic Governance, Public Sector Management and Education. The scholarship program is an important component of the on-going development cooperation between Indonesia and Australia. After the earthquake and tsunami in Aceh and North Sumatera, the Australian Government has increased its commitment to supporting development in Indonesia.

The Australian Partnership Scholarships Program funds Indonesians for higher degree (post graduate) study in Australia through a joint selection process overseen by the Government of Australia and the Government of Indonesia and consistent with mutually agreed general policy objectives.

The APS Program is managed through the APS Project Office in Jakarta, to ensure efficient and effective administration of the program.

APS Official website
APS awardees current preferences for commencement in semester 2, 2006 [xls 56 KB]
APS Information Sessions Schedule
>APS Application Form (pdf file)

French Government Scholarship Program For Indonesian Citizens

Deadline: 29 September 2006

The French Government, through the Embassy of France in Jakarta, has been providing excellence scholarships to Indonesian citizens for more than 25 years. In order to pursue its objective to improve Indonesian human resources, the Embassy of France will offer scholarships for the year 2006. These scholarships are given to government officials, lecturers, students (with a priority to those involved in a cooperation program between France and Indonesia) to undertake three kinds of training :

  • Master degree (maximum duration of 2 years)
  • Doctoral degree (maximum duration of 3 years, only on a shared cost basis)
  • Post-Doctoral program (maximum duration of 6 months, only on a shared cost basis)


Applicants must fulfill the following requirements :
  • Minimum diploma : bachelor degree / S1.
  • Fluent English.
  • Less than 35 years old.
  • Minimum GPA score of 3 (except for fundamental sciences - 3.5).
  • 2 years of working experience (except for fresh graduate students).
  • Submit all the documents specified in the application form.
Fields of studies
  1. Public administration *
  2. Urban and regional planning *
  3. Law and political sciences *
  4. Engineering (water management, agronomy, civil engineering...)
  5. Fundamental sciences (mathematics, physics) - Minimum GPA score of 3.5.
* Please note that these . elds of studies (1.2.3) require a minimum level of French language.

To get the application form, send an e-mail to To get the application form, send an e-mail to

or download it by click the link below
Application Form

Applicants from outside Java are encouraged to apply to this scholarship program.

The selection committee will greatly appreciate applicants who have already identified a master/doctoral program and have been in correspondence (via e-mail) with the Professor in charge of the program, as a proof of their motivation and interest to study in France.

Please note that applicants are not requested to get an acceptance letter.

The Edufrance offices in Indonesia may help you in order to find the study program that suits your project.

Centre Culturel Français de Jakarta
Jl Salemba Raya no 25
Tel. : (021) 310 18 84
Fax : (021) 310 13 17

The International Village Universitas Surabaya
Jalan Raya Kalirungkut
60293 Surabaya
Tel. : (031) 298 13 32
Fax : (031) 298 13 33

Selection procedure

Step one :
Selection based on the application forms and required documents submitted.

Step two :
Motivation interview (French or English languages only) in Jakarta.

The Embassy of France scholarship covers
  • Intensive French language course (7 months in French Cultural Center)
  • Airplane tickets
  • Tuition fees
  • Monthly living allowance
  • Insurance
Application deadline

All applications must be sent before Friday 29 September 2006 at the following address :

Ambassade de France en Indonesie
Service de cooperation et d`action culturelle
Jalan Panarukan no 35, Menteng - Jakarta 10310

Please note that applications sent via e-mail will not be taken into consideration.


[Singapore] National university of Singapore: ASEAN Undergraduate Scholarship (AUS)

The ASEAN Undergraduate Scholarship (AUS) are offered by the National University of Singapore (NUS) to award full-time NUS undergraduates who have outstanding academic merit and co-curricular activities. AUS is awarded to freshmen based on academic merit. These freshmen must be citizens or permanent residents of a member of ASEAN*. Singapore citizens are ineligible to apply for the AUS. Candidates will be considered and shortlisted for interviews through their application for admission to NUS. No separate scholarship application is required.

Terms and conditions

  1. The scholarship covers tuition fees and provides an annual living allowance of S$4,300. The scholarship is tenable for the minimum period of candidature for the respective undergraduate courses at NUS.

  2. The scholarship does not carry a bond. However, tuition fees at NUS have been subsidised by the Singapore Ministry of Education (MOE) through the MOE Tution Grant Subsidy. The MOE Tuition Grant Subsidy is not covered under the scholarship scheme. The MOE Tuition Grant Subsidy carries a bond for students who are not Singapore citizens. All Singapore permanent residents and international students taking up the MOE Tuition Grant Subsidy are required to work with a Singapore-registered company of their choice for three years upon graduation. Due to the higher fees and subsidies for the Dental and Medical courses, students in these courses are obliged to work for a longer bond period of five and six years respectively.

  3. The scholarship is open to students from all faculties. However, candidates should note that due to the highly competitive nature of courses like Medicine, Dentistry and Law, there are limited scholarships for students who wish to pursue these courses.

  4. Recipients of the scholarship may not concurrently hold any other scholarship, fellowship, grant or award without prior approval from the University.

  5. The University does not provide any assistance towards travel or other costs nor does it guarantee employment for the scholar upon graduation.

  6. The scholarship covers the entire duration of undergraduate studies on condition that scholars maintain a minimum CAP (Cumulative Average Point) of 3.5. The academic performance is monitored on a semester basis.

  7. If the scholar decides to terminate the scholarship prematurely, the university reserves the right to impose a repayment on a case-by-case basis.
Application and shortlisting Procedure
  1. All applicants for admission to NUS will be shortlisted automatically through their application for admission.

  2. Shortlisted candidates will be informed by 30 June of the year of admission.

  3. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of competition among eligible candidates. Shortlisted candidates will be notified by email for a scholarship interview. Leadership, co-curricular records and other capabilities will be assessed during the interview. Please note that the University shortlists candidates strictly based on academic merit. Not all applicants for the scholarship will be called for an interview.

  4. NUS reserves the right not to award any scholarship if there are no candidates of sufficient merit. The decision of the selection committee is final. Enquiries or disputes surrounding its decisions will not be entertained.

For enquiries, please click here to send us an email

Japan Airlines Scholarship 2006

We are inviting those university students from Asia and Oceania who want to make acontribution to society ,care about the environmental issues and have an interest in Japan, to come to Japan.

Main Theme

What makes a truly prosperous society Co-existence And cooperation for the future of Asia and Oceania.


In this day and age where information travels across the world in an instant and events are quickly shared, we are often presented with situations that seemingly cannot be understood or dealt with in conventional manners. In response to this, there is a growing need to look towards new models of society, changing established conventions, and seeking new ideas and ways of communicating.

Each year a different theme is dealt with in the JAL Scholarship Programme. In 2004 the participants looked at what is necessary to realize a society suitable for the 21st Century by striving to be globally minded citizens able to think and act on global scale. In 2005, the participants looked at the effects of globalization, recognizing the merits and demerits of this movement, while envisioning the ideal way for it to proceed.

In 2006 the scholars will consider what "true prosperity" is, while approaching the concept by examining various realities and issues. Through the process we hope this year`s participants will realize that they individually have the power and ability to be a driving force to direct the 21st century in a positive direction. We aim to make the JAL Scholarship Programme a setting for: recognizing and accepting diversity, increasing mutual understanding, and creating friendships. Together as members of the Asia Oceania region we will consider what is necessary for, and what can be personally done to realize "truly prosperous societies".

Introduction to the 2006 Programme

Period: 10th -30th August 2006 (21 days)

  • Courses for Globally Minded Citizens: The aim is to introduce Japan, along with world environment and social issues. Scholars will learn about Japan and mutual understanding, vital knowledge for Globally Minded Citizens.
  • Field Trip: Research trip on a topic relating to the theme.
  • Student Sessions: Debates delving deeper into the programme`s theme.
  • Asia Forum in Ishikawa: Speeches and public symposium
  • Homestay: Experiencing daily Japanese life and customs in Tokyo and Kanazawa in order to deepen the Scholars understanding of Japan.

  • How to apply:

    Please write and submit an essay on what you consider the necessary elements for achieving a truly affluent society, and how you think you might be able to contribute towards achieving this.

    Submissions should be handed to your nearest JAL branch office (Japan Asia Airways in Taiwan). The JAL Foundation reserves the right to use the submitted essays for various purposes. After pre-judgement, applicants will be interviewed by the branch committee.

    For more details, please contact your nearest JAL branch office.

    Direktorat Kelembagaan Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi
    Departemen Pendidikan Nasional,
    Wisma Aldiron Dirgantara Lantai 3,
    Jl. Gatot Soebroto Kav. 72,
    Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan,
    Telp/Fax: (021) 79188070-75
    atau melalui
    e-mail :

    JAL Indonesia,
    Wisma Kyoei Prince Building 2nd Floor.
    Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 3-4
    Jakarta Pusat 10220,
    Telp./Fax: (021) 5723235, 5723236
    atau melalui
    e-mail :

    Thursday, January 19, 2006

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