Sunday, September 17, 2006

Embarq creates LU scholarship endowment

Some Lincoln University
students will be eligible for a new, $500 scholarship endowed Friday by
Embarq, the local-exchange telephone company spun off earlier this year
from Sprint.

The company has donated $10,000 to LU's Foundation to establish the Embarq/Lincoln University Scholarship Fund.

spokesman Greg Gaffke, who also is a Lincoln curator, told fellow board
members Thursday afternoon the Jefferson City area is Embarq's largest
local exchange in Missouri or Kansas

“Embarq prides itself
on supporting education,” Gaffke said. “We wanted to give
something back to the community.”

The fund will create a
permanent $500 scholarship, starting in January, for students majoring
in education, science and/or environment, business and/or economics,
marketing, mathematics or computer technology.

Recipients must be a graduating high school senior, a student already enrolled at LU or the spouse of a military person.

the recipient must live within an Embarq service area, such as Cole and
Moniteau counties and southern parts of Callaway County.

“We are pleased you have
chosen to endow a permanent scholarship,” LU President Carolyn
Mahoney told Gaffke. She noted the company “always (has) been a
staunch LU supporter.”

The telephone company also donated $1,000 to help replace books damaged in the Sept. 2 Dawson Hall fire.

Thursday, during the nearly hour-long Opening Convocation for Students,
Mahoney praised all who responded to the mid-day fire on the Saturday
of Labor Day Weekend, after the first week of school.

every area of responsibility, campus personnel were exemplary in the
way they worked together to deal with this crisis,” Mahoney said.
“Student government leaders, ROTC cadets, other students, faculty
and staff as well as Lincoln supporters from near and far were either
on hand or in close contact, offering their assistance within hours of
hearing the news.”

The LU president thanked the Jefferson
City community. She gave special thanks to emergency personnel, the
American Red Cross and the three restoration companies that worked to
revive the hall.

She apologized for the fire and thanked people for their cooperation in responding to it.

all of this, the people who stand out most in my mind are the young
women of Dawson Hall,” Mahoney said. “These are very
special and impressive young ladies (who) responded to this unfortunate
accident with remarkable grace, courage and resiliency.

behavior assures me that the future of Lincoln University - and,
indeed, the future of this great country of ours - is in good

Mahoney also applauded the “service of those
among us who are representing Lincoln University in numerous and varied
internships or undergraduate research programs” as well their
volunteer work “with the Habitat for Humanity ... in nursing
homes (and) the Samaritan Center. This important community service
helps us learn to be good civic servants.”

The LU president listed a number of other activities and athletic teams students should be proud of and become involved in.

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